Interwalls, to divide without separating
Interwalls that divide without separating
Do you have a large room and wish to create a new area in your home? Perhaps you’ve never thought about interpartitions, extremely practical yet designer solutions that can breathe new life into your home with a simple gesture. From the living area to the sleeping area, from the kitchen to the bedroom, as well as for your study and office, interpartitions elegantly and stylishly solve the different needs of daily living. They organize space rationally, allowing spaces to be rethought and redesigned at any time and with little expense. Divide without separating. This is precisely the goal of interpartitions, practical and versatile furniture solutions that can give your home an elegant feel. In fact, the functionality of an interwall allows you to create a new corner by becoming an element of design and architecture in your home or studio.

From the bookcase to the entrance hall: to every room its interpartition
There are so many interwalls to choose from. Much, of course, will depend on the area to be divided, the place you wish to place them, and the style you intend to give the room. Fixed elements with an aluminum frame and glass tiles, the interpartitions can be straight or curved.
– Straight interwalls: floor-to-ceiling, or above-ceiling, in some cases they can also be mounted above existing furniture to close the space between the furniture top and the ceiling.
– Curved interwalls: an exclusive production of KUBOLINE, this is a first in the world of interior design. We did, in fact, bend the aluminum crossbars with a very special process and then had the glass tiles bent by an industry that makes car windshields. The result is a harmonic module that can be mounted concave or convex. Very charming and sinuous that will not fail to impress your guests.
Both solutions, straight and curved, can also be equipped with glass shelves to create, for example, an intriguing bi-faceted bookcase in the center of the room and give brightness and design to the whole. Our entryway partitions equipped with accessories such as coat racks, mirrors and emptying shelves are also in great demand. They divide the entry area from the living room by allowing us to hang clothes and rest our keys and smartphones.
Exactly like doors, they can also be decorated as desired with custom digital prints or engravings of the glass so as to make your home truly unique.

The advantages of KUBOLINE custom interpartitions
Functionality and design, but also privacy and protection. There are many advantages of interpartitions, furnishing complements that, as we have said, divide rooms without separating them, providing more privacy to places that are too transient without, however, limiting their light intake.
What’s more, they are a valuable aid against drafts in case, for example, they divide a front door from an adjacent sofa or table. A specialist in the production and creation of interpartitions, Kuboline has several standard modules for widths (there are none for heights). However, we often make custom interpartitions; the most commonly encountered cases are niches and fixed windows.